Our experience camping in below freezing temperatures

We don't winter camp with our Outfitter Caribou, however during spring and fall, the temps in our region often go to 25F at night during May, up to mid June and from about Sept 5th onward. There have been many times where we've slept in the camper in temps from 25F ~ 32F; the experience has been the following:

-the heated interior gets progressively colder the further you are from the heating source (in our case: catalytic or electric heating);

-the floor never gets warm enough to stand on with bare feet no matter what the temperature gets to inside during those 32F and under nights;

-the cabover under mattress platform section was insulated (by me) with R5 material, and with softwalls being Weblon with insulating sandwich suffers from what is called "advection" when temps drop below freezing. So, no matter what we do (this means placing heating source directed right into cabover) we simply can't get the cabover to a uniform temperature with the rest of the camper.

I have to mention that we do not have a forced-air furnace (we opted not to have one installed during manufacture), and I suppose that if we had, we could simply crank the furnace up to maximum and force the cabover to heat up; the problem with this is the rest of the camper could get too warm.

Concluding, camping in the temps detailed above during evenings doesn't pose any problem for us; we use a very thick feather down cover in the cabover that mitigates any advection eminating from the softwalls.


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Choosing a truck

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Useful articles & observations

-Camping in cold weather -Minimizing weight, maximizing comfort!